In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory
Memorial Services of Grandpa Ron
If you’ve followed me for a while you probably know we lost my dear Grandpa back in April. Due to COVID we were not able to have services until August. We laid Grandpa to rest in Yamhill, Oregon with military honors and a 9-Gun Salute. The following day we had another service with military honors in Shelton, Washington with more family and friends. Both were beautiful services! I’m so thankful Matt was willing to shoot video for me of both services!
We also had the opportunity to visit my Grandma Lillian’s grave. My beautiful niece was named after her. Grandpa, unfortunately, was not able to meet baby Lillian before he passed and Grandma Lillian had passed many years ago before Sarah and I were born. But we visited her grave and took some pictures of Lillian next to her tombstone. It was an extremely special moment between my Sister and my mom. Although there was sadness, it was a beautiful moment.
I’m extremely thankful for the Honor Guard! Grandpa was a Korean War Veteran and, I don’t know about you, but it just moves my heart to see military honors given to commemorate fallen veterans!
Special moment for our family. We took Little Lillian to visit her great grandma’s grave for the first time. My sister named her after Grandma. :)