Northern California Remodels | Ceramic Designs
I love seeing the finished product by Ceramic Designs. Their work is amazing! These homes were so gorgeous. I especially loved the RED SINK and the adorable little dog! Oh wait, I guess the dog isn’t part of the remodel… Haha! But I just couldn’t resist getting a few shots of the doggy.
Granite slabs have so much character to them. I find that I can stand there and just stare at it and see something different at every angle. It’s simply beautiful. And how Ceramic Designs pair it with tile selections is truly an art form! And their customers are so sweet! I enjoy meeting and chatting with all of them.
I also enjoy my lunchtime on these days that I get to spend with my mom. She comes with me to all the homes since she deals with the majority of these clients. This time we tried out Fresh Fire Grill off Lake Blvd in Redding. It was soo good! They had a juice bar too, which I LOVE juices! Especially ones with beets in them. We had a great time! Got rained on a little bit at first but that didn’t damper the fun times at all!
Hope you all have a great week! And if you need any remodeling done, contact Ceramic Designs by Ron Green!
See what I mean?! HOW CUTE!!!!
Gotta have a little fun with bathroom mirrors…Right?? :)