You've Got a Friend in Me | Wayne Louis
You’ve Got a Friend in Me
I can’t believe my lil nephew, Wayne, is almost two! He is growing up so fast as it seems with all our kiddos. This little guy is such a character! A complete and perfect mix of his mommy and daddy. Except for some reason, when my camera comes out he must know that Auntie is going to try to make him smile, because he puts on his most serious expressions! I mean, he was completely doggin’ me! Haha! He was so protective of his Woody too.
So….when Sarah texted me asking me to do some pictures of Wayne for his 2nd birthday invitations, I thought we were doing just that! But, it was made apparent later, that was not the case. As I’m setting him up, trying to get him to smile, laughing at his seriousness, Sarah finally said, “Oh, I’ve got a sign for him to hold!” I thought to myself, “Ok, cool! That’s always fun and can sometimes get them to smile a bit.” So she hands Wayne the sign. I start snapping away and then I read what the sign said:
“You’ve got a friend in me. Best Friend Due Jan ‘20.”
I instantly knew what that meant, and inside I was super excited. BUT, mind you, I had to put on my stoic face. Why, you might ask? Well, let me tell you what my wonderful sister did to me back in March…
Matt and I took our kiddos down to Sacramento for a fun day trip to see some good friends of ours. While we’re getting ready to leave and head home, I get this text from my sister that read: “Hey bring back this pregnant lady some Chick-fil-a!” And I got sooo excited and started practically jumping up and down. The kids were excited, Matt was smiling! Then I called her once we got in the car…I’m over the moon and she tells me “Dude, I was just kidding. I can’t believe you fell for that! I wouldn’t tell you that kind of news in a text message!” Needless to say, I was just a titch irritated. So after I read the sign, and stopped for a second, I just looked at her and said, “I’ll believe it when I see a sonogram.” She was like “Dudely! I’m serious this time!” I just kept on taking cute pictures of Wayne. Haha! Later that evening, I ribbed her some more and said that I wanted to see the positive test before I’d believe it. Oh I gave her a hard time. Pay backs!!
But it is true, I’M GOING TO BE AN AUNTIE AGAIN!!!!!!!!! And I am soooo super excited and can’t wait to meet the new little one, take newborn pictures, hold him or her and best of all, see how Wayne reacts to his sibling!!! :)
This little guy can sure dance! It’s the cutest thing ever!