Jen Peterson Photography

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Washington Family Vacation

Every chance we get, we try to venture up to Oregon and Washington to visit our grandparents. It’s amazing how long of a drive it really is, but it’s so worth it! Megan, Jared and Mandy actually headed up to Vancouver, Washington a week before us and spent time with their grandparents. They got to do so many cool things like shopping, ice cream outings, a beach day, and they even got to go to an event where they toured the Washington State police cars and Fire Trucks. Jared was so intrigued and asked them all numerous questions! 

Matt, Emily and I left on Friday to head up to Vancouver. Leaving at 5:30 in the morning, gave us time to stop in Sutherlin, Oregon to visit with Matt’s grandpa. He has some of the best stories! This time I learned a little bit more about Matt’s grandma, Dorothy. Apparently she had amazing intuition because grandpa couldn’t get away with nothing. HAHA! One of her dreams was to get her pilot's license. Well grandpa bought her the flying lessons and didn’t tell her. But literally when they drove into the town somehow she just knew and she just plainly said “you bought me my flying lessons.” Grandpa was shocked that she figured it out! He also told of another time when he went skydiving for the first time and didn’t tell her. When he got back she just cooly said “oh you went skydiving today”. LOL! I just love hearing stories like that. 

Vancouver, Washington

Next stop was Vancouver to pick up Megan, Jared and Mandy. We stayed the night and had the most enjoyable time with them! Papa Steve BBQed skewers and they were sooo good! Nonna made an amazing potato salad and cucumber salad with dill, it was to die for! Nonna is also known for her amazing scones. And I was so appreciative that she made gluten free scones and biscuits for me that next morning! So thoughtful! We also had a bonfire too. Such good times!

Aberdeen, Washington

Final stop was Aberdeen, Washington to spend time with my grandparents. It’s been a little over a year since I last saw them. Papa Louis had a bit of a health scare this past month so I was anxious to get up there to see him. Thank God he’s doing much better! Grandma also knew that it was our anniversary the day we arrived so she got us a beautiful boston cream cake with fruit on top! It was so special getting to celebrate our anniversary with them. Grandma also has some amazing flowers in her yard! I have never seen a hydrangea with so many blooms! So of course…I had to do a photoshoot with Emily and Megan. I also let Emily practice her photography skills too and let her take some shots of me. Matt and the kids also played pickleball right outside so my grandparents could watch. I guess pickleball started in Washington! I didn’t know that. There’s a big tournament that takes place in Seattle each year. It was super hard to leave! Looking forward to the next trip up!!

Do you see the spider? I didn’t know it was there until I edited the photo!!! Eeek!

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