Remodeling Your Home with Ceramic Designs
Remodeling your home can be downright intimidating! Even scary at times. What if it doesn’t look like I envisioned it when it’s all done? What if the colors don’t match right? What if my contractor makes a mistake? The questions go on and on. But I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be that scary IF you have the right companies working for you from the start!
First thing to think about when hiring a company to work for you is, how long have they been in business? Next would be, what is their background? How many years have they been in this profession or “trade”? Next on the list is communication, does this company communicate well with me about all the steps needed to make the project happen? Are there hidden fees that are not openly discussed? All these things are great questions to ask right up front! And last but certainly not least, follow your gut!
And if you ask me, I would recommend Ceramic Designs by Ron Green 100%! I’ve worked alongside this company for years and I have seen the integrity this company and it’s workers have. I get to hear from their clients directly and they all feel the same as I do! So if you’re thinking about a remodel, make sure to swing by Ceramic Designs and just chat with them and see for yourself! :)
It might be a little hard to see, but the time on the microwave reads 11:11. That time was special to this client and their spouse! So this microwave image is for them. :) So sweet!