Jelderk Family | Grants Pass Family Photographer
Meet the Jelderk Family
Our sweet friends from Grants Pass, Oregon!
We absolutely LOVE to travel up to Oregon. Especially Grants Pass since we have some very special people that live there! Chris & Laura, Grayson, Ian, and Laura’s mom, Linda! This family is absolutely precious and they mean a lot to us. So anytime we can get up there to see them we jump at the chance! Matt’s grandpa also lives in Sutherlin not too far from there. So we get to see them both anytime we make the trip up!!
Let me tell you a little bit about them. :) Linda is a registered nurse and used to live in Anderson near us. She was and still is my go-to person if I need advice on health-related topics! Her wisdom and advice have helped me soo much! She was with me when I gave birth to Jared and helped me through all the typical baby sicknesses and also through Jared’s surgery. I don’t know what I would’ve done without her! Chris is a teacher for 7th graders at one of the local schools there in Grant’s Pass. He is a bundle of energy and intellect! Matt and I could sit and chat with him for hours covering every topic imaginable! And Laura is a wonderful stay-at-home momma! She also is an amazing help to the church up there. I love hearing about the work they do with the Apostolic church there in Grant’s Pass. God’s so good and He’s doing amazing things in that town!
Three months ago, little Ian was born! He is absolutely adorable! He has those cute little baby cheeks that you just want to squeeze! :) Grayson is a proud big brother. Our kiddos and Grayson love to get together and play! This trip they didn’t tell him we were coming and he had fallen asleep before we got there. So he had a fun surprise the following morning when he came out of his room and found his four friends there!! I love it! He also taught Jared how to jump with a pogo stick. Now Jared can’t stay off of the pogo stick! Haha! I got some pictures but will post those another time.
We’re counting the days until we can run up there again! Thank you, Chris, Laura & Linda for always opening your home to us! We love you guys so much!!!
See what I mean about those chubby little cheeks!!!! :)