Meet Baby Kylee!
And here she is! Born Sunday, July 29th. Congrats Ryan & Allie! She is absolutely beautiful. And she looks so much like her big sister Kinslee! I had so much fun capturing little Kylee. Took a little bit for her to fall asleep but oh my was she super adorable during the whole session! Allie had a super cute pink tutu that Kinslee wore for her baby pictures so I thought it was extra special to photograph Kylee wearing the same tutu.
Kinslee was a big help too! She came in and helped me setup my studio lighting then was happy to be my model to dial in my settings. :) And Allie is just awesome. While she was getting Kylee ready I walked in and said "Um, so you know those cherry blossoms you have on your kitchen table? Like, um, can we use those?" Haha! Glad she didn't think I was crazy and she was super happy to let me use whatever I felt like using.
Ryan & Allie - So happy for your growing family! And I'm super thankful to have awesome neighbors like you guys. :) Lots of love! -Jen
Isn't she precious?!?! Oh my goodness!
Ok ya'll, I have to admit I was so excited to capture this shot that I had a hard time keeping the camera still! ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!! (Ok, and a little secret...Momma Allie was holding her up a bit underneath the blanket... SHHH!!!)
This shot just warms my heart so much! Big sister kissing her new little sis!
She looks like she's pondering here... "Should I go to sleep....? Or should I stay awake and see what happens next? Hmm...."
And the sleep option won out. :)
Welcome to the world baby girl! May life bring you much joy and peace!